How to Choose the Right Tax Return Preparer

Picking a good tax preparer can make filing your taxes a lot easier and make sure everything is done right, keeping you safe from legal or money troubles. But, if you choose a bad or unqualified person to do your taxes, it could cause a bunch of problems, some of which might be pretty serious.

Here are some of the potential consequences of choosing the wrong tax professional and essential tips to select the right tax professional.

Are Self-Directed IRAs for Real Estate a Good Idea?

The stock market is tanking while real estate continues to skyrocket.

If your retirement savings have taken a hit, you may be wondering if this is the time to invest in real estate through your IRA, Roth IRA, or SEP-IRA.

You can’t invest in real estate with a traditional IRA or Roth IRA (or SEP-IRA) you establish with a bank, brokerage, or trust company, but you can invest in real estate if you establish a self-directed IRA with a custodian that allows self-directed investments.

Transferring Your Home to Your Adult Child

With today’s home prices and the crazy real estate market, it’s likely difficult for your children to buy a home.

Say you’re feeling so generous that you might just simply give your home to your adult child. What a deal for the kid! Say you’re feeling generous, but not so generous that you want to simply give away your home. Fair enough. The idea of giving your child a free house might be unappealing to you. Very well.

Tax Implications When Your Vacation Home Is a Rental Property

If you have a home that you both rent out and use personally, you have a tax code-defined vacation home.

The tax code classifies your vacation home as a rental property if you rent it out for more than 14 days during the year, and your personal use during the year does not exceed the greater of (a) 14 days or (b) 10 percent of the days you rent the home out at fair market rates.